4-channel DMX512 DIMMER
SMART DIMMER with push button control
Automatic switchover that can be set DMX <==> SMART DIMMER
DMX carrier presence monitor on LED
Output status LED monitor
Supply voltage equal or different between the various channels
High output current: 8A / CH
User programmable parameters
A richiesta Bus DMX programmabile a velocità inferiori per applicarlo a pc che non arrivano a 250kb e/o per avere tratte più lunghe

DL485DMX has 4 dimmable outputs that can be controlled by the DMX512 BUS, and the unit can also work as a normal smart dimmer controlled by buttons with all the functions available.
The unit address can be set using the programming button on board, between 1 and 512, the first channel will have the unit address and the other three will have consecutive addresses.
The highest address that allows access to all channels is 509 because the fourth channel will be at 512, while setting the unit address to 511 for example, you will have access only to the first 2 channels at addresses 511 and 512.
To facilitate installation and problem solving, the presence of the DMX carrier is signaled by means of LEDs, as is the status of the outputs.
Using a button on the unit, it is possible to set the unit as a DMX dimmer or as a normal smart dimmer controlled by buttons, or with automatic switching from DMX to normal and vice versa depending on the presence of the DMX signal on the BUS.
Programming via button is facilitated by the signals of the two neighboring LEDs.
The unit address can be set using the programming button on board, between 1 and 512, the first channel will have the unit address and the other three will have consecutive addresses.
The highest address that allows access to all channels is 509 because the fourth channel will be at 512, while setting the unit address to 511 for example, you will have access only to the first 2 channels at addresses 511 and 512.
To facilitate installation and problem solving, the presence of the DMX carrier is signaled by means of LEDs, as is the status of the outputs.
Using a button on the unit, it is possible to set the unit as a DMX dimmer or as a normal smart dimmer controlled by buttons, or with automatic switching from DMX to normal and vice versa depending on the presence of the DMX signal on the BUS.
Programming via button is facilitated by the signals of the two neighboring LEDs.
4-channel DMX dimmer